Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mirror Make Over

I have an ugly old mirror.  Story?  When we lived in Alabama I bought a cheap full length mirror because military housing...well, what can we say about military housing?  Anyway, I needed a mirror and found one at Walmart.  It worked, it was cheap so that's what I got.  Several years later - and several moves, this poor mirror is sad.  The cheap plastic frame has completely fallen apart and it is now just a mirror glued to cardboard leaning up against my wall, covered in little handprints from Griffin.  I decided that I would give the mirror a makeover.  Here is my sad mirror....

Pretty gross huh?  Do my kids lick it then smear the spit around?  Because that is what it looks like....ewww just gross!
Anyway, I went to Lowe's (I prefer Lowe's to our Home Depot.  The Lowe's employees are much more pleasant...Home Depot employees are cranky and don't like their job.)  Sorry for the tangent.  Back on track!  I bought two long pieces of base board.  They were on clearance for $2.89...not to bad!
Measured the length and width of the mirror, made my marks on the base boards and cut those babies using a chop saw!  All by myself!  No male involved...I have learned a lot about power tools since Mike left for Iraq.  With no man around the house, I have to do things myself!  Do they make chop saws in pink?  Just curious???!!!

After the boards are cut, line edges (seams) up to secure.  I use what I have around the house...there might be a better way to do this (okay, I am sure there IS a better way to do this!) I used my heavy duty stapler to secure the boards together at the seams.  Place the mirror on the backside and staple all around every few inches to secure mirror to frame.

Maybe I should clean the mirror?  Nope, not yet! 
Since I am a newby at this whole thing, my seams were not perfect.  I used a little wood filler in the seams!
Pull out the paint and get busy!

Griffin really felt he needed to help me with this project!  He is such a little cutie pie!
I painted it first with a blue then went over it with a glaze.  I love glaze.  It makes everything look so pretty!  Once the paint is dry, turn frame/mirror over and install hardware to hang.

The end result....Not so ugly anymore!
(The ribbon is not my hanging hardware...just in case you were wondering!)

1 comment:

  1. That mirror is definitely not ugly anymore. In fact it is super cute. Way to go!
