Thursday, July 22, 2010

BoArD, bOaRd, BoArD!!!

When I saw this idea over at Craftomaniac I knew I had to have one! Only because Charlee is constantly telling me she is BORED! This project couldn't have been more fun because I got to think of fun things that I am okay with the kids doing when they are bored!! The other thing I loved about it, I had a PERFECT place to hang it once it was completed!

Or maybe with school starting, having a display board of your cute kiddos art work is what you need? This idea is brilliant! Clears up the clutter off the fridge and puts it in a designated place, making life just a little easier! And, acknowledges your sweeties talents and gives them a boost of self esteem! Every parent knows it breaks your little ones heart if you don't display something they are so proud of! Besides, kids art work is the BEST!

Now this, I LOVE! I am not sure where we found this idea (my apologies to the creator) but it is perfect for busy families and is actually cute home decor. Using a frame, burlap, glass, paper and a white board marker, you have everything you will need to plan your weekly menu and get yourself a little more organized....especially with back to school right around the corner!

Now, originally we would have a short tutorial on how to put these crafties together, BUT we are going to have a special CRAFT NIGHT!!! Crae's Creations & Co. will provide all the supplies, fun, music, laughter, visiting and get to know yous on August 4th at 6:00 p.m. All you need to do is show up and put it together, and have lots of fun! (Location of this super awesome fun craft night? Probably at Julie or Tara's house...details to come.)

Remember, Christmas will be here before you know it. Each one of these craft projects would make a GREAT Christmas gift and fairly inexpensive too!

If you are interested in making any one of these (or ALL) the cost will be only $10.00 for each project. If you live in the St. George area, come have a super fun GIRLS CRAFT NIGHT! Now, if you don't live in the St. George area and still want one???? contact me, I am sure we can work something out. (Like: get you the supplies and mail them, or send you a completed project???)

Want in on the action? email me at craescreations(at)hotmail(dot)com

Let us know what project(s) you want to do and if you want black or white paint. If you choose black paint, your font color will be tan. If you choose white paint, your font color will be black. On the menu board, the font will be black and you have a paint color choice of black or white. The deadline to join the craft night is July 30th. We need to have a count of how many and what projects you want to do so we have a few days to get all the wood cut out, sanded, and gather the supplies needed. Come join the FUN!


  1. I cannot wait! I love that you make me look crafty Julie!!

  2. I love the framed menu. Can I get a tutorial on that since I couldn't make it to craft night?
