Saturday, October 2, 2010

STG 26.2

Ok, TIME OUT from all of the cute Halloween posts for a huge and most well deserved shout out to Julie for just running, TODAY, the St. George Marathon! Seriously! Not only does our favorite gal make such cute things and is so very crafty, she is well......freaking amazing because she runs and just completed a MARATHON. Do you really know how far that is? 26.2 miles. Wow, I am simply impressed. I am just great with being in the cheering section at the finish line. She will kill me for putting this on here, but I think you deserve to see how amazing she truly is.

Julie and her cute family. If you look close, she made her little boy's shirt. In the middle of all this, she still crafts! It says, : "my mom runs like a MOTHER!"

CONGRATS JULIE, such an amazing accomplishment!

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