Thursday, June 3, 2010

Double Duty

I love crafts that can do double duty and be used again, in this case, for two holidays: Memorial Day and then again for the 4th of July.

Supplies needed:
a 2x2 board from lowes or home depot, comes in 8' lengths
2x4 (i used left over piece from another project that was lying around the house)
paint (used a color called vanilla)
scrapbook paper
and embellishments

Ok, here comes the real technical part (ya right!). Cut two of the bottom lengths of the 2x2 12". Then the other three cuts are roughly 8.5" making sure the 2x4 piece fills the space nicely. I know totally confusing and I kind of don't understand from my own description, but lucky for you I have a photo which explains it all.

This photo shows you what it looks like broken down, in parts. It is a stackable flag.

Then sand, paint and cover with strips of scrapbook paper (using spray adhesive or Mod Podge) and embellishments. I used some paint to ink the edges since I didn't have a red ink stamp. Could do with less paint on the project, the ink pad might work better, but here's to using what I had on hand.

Hey, this is Julie now!  But just for a second.  Tara, the little sweetie that she is, cut me out some wood and paper strips so I could make one too!  I just wanted to add my picture to her post because I think they are so cute and patriotic.  I LOVE our country!

Back to Tara.....
Here's another double duty craft. Look familiar? It should, click here and here for details.

Keep them up and use it for month of July too!


  1. I really love the wreath! So cute!

  2. I love your flag idea. I have never seen it as a stackable flag. I have done other project close to this but not stackable. I will have to try that. Thanks

  3. I can't tell you how much I love flags. I love this flag idea.
