Monday, May 16, 2011

Shutter Up


I LOVE Char over at Crap I've Made.  She is hysterical.  And, I'm in love with these. 
I want to track her down and take them.  But that would be mean.  So I won't.

I will, I must. MAKE. MY. OWN.

I headed out to Habitat ReStore and found my own set of of shutters. 


Yeah, I'm that good.

Stay tuned... Those bad boys are in the works and will be posted soon!


wenwin said...

I am coming out in a couple of weeks. May we please have a get together and make these shutters??? I absolutely love them!

Julie the Cupcake Girl said...

Of stinky, freaky COURSE! I will head over to Habitat Restore - check them out every few days to see if I can find more! LOVE the shutters!